This last month has seen quite a few changes around our Nannup dream and in another exciting direction.
We're now finally able to let everyone know that Ali is pregnant with the little grub due in August. Obviously this has changed things considerably in a wonderful way and we are both feeling hugely happy and lucky as we've been wishing for this for some time.
We are now delaying the move down to Nannup until well after the birth, most likely around the end of 2011, as I think anyone would agree it is not optimal to be attempting an owner build while living in a shed while having a baby. On the other hand we're stoked we'll be able to raise a kid in the country on our own place.
This is not to say that things are not progressing otherwise with Nannup council informing us of the need to have a fire rating of the property and planned house site completed before we can present our plans to council. Coincidentally this came at the same time as I had discovered some slightly disturbing info in Earth Garden magazine talking about the changes around building regulation in fire prone areas.
AS3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in bushfire-prone areas is now being considered by Nannup council which meant we have had to undertake a fire risk assessment for our plans and where our buildings will be positioned. The assessment allocates a Bushfire Attack Level to the home and shed site along a scale from BAL-Low, BAL 12.5, 19, 29, 40, thru to the maximum BAL-FZ. The numbers relate to the expected heat flux of kilowatts per meter (kW/m2)BA-12.5 expected. BAL-FZ is the highest rating at FZ=Flame Zone. The assessment takes into account the slope , surrounding vegetation type and proximity.
This freaked us out initially as an article in Earth Garden mentioned that the Building Control Commission in Victoria advised that there may be problems getting approval for a strawbale construction at ratings of BAL-19 and above and even some big restrictions at the lower ratings. Strawbale buildings have been tested under older standards but not the newer AS3959.
John Evans from
South West Fire Services met us at the block and in a matter of minutes allayed many of our fears about the site and the house position and thankfully with some adjustment we were able to have both the shed and the house rated at a BAL of 12.5.
We also had Ben Worthington from Worthy contracting come and discuss the earth moving requirements for what we want to do. With his advice and the fire assessment we've decided to move sites somewhat on the property nothing drastic but it is meaning another trip down this weekend to do a final measure up and tape out the house shed and water tank shapes to finalize the site plan.
Next up we are of to Victoria for our long awaited Strawbale building course with Brian Hodge, hopefully to iron out any final problems with our plans and get the all important skills with both of us are really looking forward to getting to grips with the actual techniques we'll be using.