Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Finally, plans for our strawbale house

Finally after what seems like an age we've got our house plans done and ready for submission to the local council.

These plans have developed from measurements we took of our current house and a bit of day dreaming about the kind of house we wanted to live, mixed in with a healthy dose of realism about what we thought we could actually build!

In the end we've come up with a 279 square meter house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom , 2 composting loos and a generous living space. Bigger than some, but definitely smaller than many houses on the market, we're sure we'll enjoy living there for many years and hopefully never need any extensions.

Some of the extra features we've included are a mud room/laundry in the south eastern corner of the house - to deal with the mucky dogs, a large kitchen area with a big pantry as we expect to be doing a lot of preserving food and need somewhere to store it all. These certainly add to the overall floor space.

Click to enlarge the images below.

Plan view

Isometric View 1 - Shows how the house will fit into the hill.

Isometric 2 - A bit lower down, shows the verandah height at the north west corner (which should prove a good challenge!)